Who is Madame Blonde

I'll tell you a little about myself... Who is Madame Blonde

Madame Blonde is a company born from my desire to become an independent woman.
Let me introduce myself, I'm Simona, I'm 30 years old and now I'll tell you my story briefly :)
At the age of 17 I left school because I didn't want to burden my parents financially.
Putting some money aside, I embarked on a course of study to become a beautician, but not a simple beautician, I wanted to specialize in nail technology, because it could allow me to give vent to my creativity.
After investing a lot of money in courses, at the end of the third year and in the midst of the pandemic, I found myself in limbo.
I no longer knew if that path was the right one.
After many questions, my answer was no.
In the meantime, I dedicated myself together with a friend to creating an online store, there I understood that this was my path and today I thank her because she made me discover and enter this world!
After a while my friend abandoned me because she didn't have time to dedicate to that project.
I continued on my own, but closed after a short time, because what I was selling didn't satisfy me on a creative level.
After about two years, between questions and perplexities, my mind was going up in smoke, I asked myself:
What is my passion?
What would I like to do in life?
I'm 30 and still at 26.
While I was traveling by car with my boyfriend, full of anxieties and fears, I found the light in that tunnel.
I have a passion for bags, I want to be independent and work on my own, I love creating e-commerce, I'm creative, I open my own bag shop.
And this is where La Madame Blonde was born, mixing my passion for bags and my ambition to create something of my own.
Madame Blonde is my light in that damned tunnel.
I hope all of you have found your light in that tunnel.
Never give up, persevere and put passion into it, sooner or later you will be able to achieve your goals.
Also remember that a life without goals is a life lost.
Your Simona.
PS. Share and tag me on social networks with your new La Madame Blonde purchases! I wish you happy shopping and a good journey in my world!
See you soon!